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#致命切割⊙星星草⊙ylxcs.com⊙夜来香社区| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


致命切割的剧情介绍,一个红衣屠夫赫然出现在泰国国内,他全身上下被血红色的雨衣所包裹,手里拖着巨大的红色行李箱。红衣屠夫行踪诡异,手段残忍,专以成年男性为猎杀对象,死者生前无不遭到痛苦折磨,而且全部遭到阉割。在此期间,连政府官员的纨绔公子哥也被杀害。红衣屠夫在全国上下引起轰动,警方更是压力巨大,焦头烂额。   阿泰是一名因杀人罪而入狱10年的重刑犯,他童年时的一个玩伴与红衣屠夫有着类似的手段。警方据此线索,开始将突破口锁定在阿泰身上。为了尽快离开监狱,阿泰许诺将抓住凶手,警方也承诺还其自由。阿泰根据屠夫留下的种种线索试图还原真相,不过这却是一场费解而危险的猫鼠游戏……

A serial killer is preying on the rich and influential, exposing their sexual proclivities, dismembering them and dumping them and their severed body parts in various locations around Thailand. The police officer on the case is not even close to finding the killer, but given an ultimatum to solve it in 15 days, Papa Chin (Chatchai Plenpanich) turns to the one man he doesn't want to use -- an imprisoned hitman named Tai (Arak Amornsupasiri), who thinks the killer is a friend of his from childhood. Tai let out of prison while his girlfriend Noi is kept under close watch by Chin. Tai heads back to his hometown to search for clues about where his old friend might be. As he recalls his childhood and friendship with the troubled boy Nut, the events of the present day crystallize until Tai is confronted with a shocking reality.

用殺戮喚醒良知(劇透,未看慎入)。我对全世界残忍 只为对你一人温柔。这因该是一部爱情片。原来同性恋还可以这样玩……。最深的罪惡。。无论你走到哪里我总能找到你。我只求你不再抛下我。你是最绝色的伤口……我其实如此爱你。为了爱你,性别如浮云。让我最佩服的地方。




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